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A bunker company established in 2008. The company's business mission is to provide fuel supply services to Russian and foreign-flagged marine vessels. The company is included by The Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport of Russia in the Register of Bunker Fuel Suppliers and is a member of the Russian Association of Marine and River Bunker Suppliers. The territorial coverage of Binom-T includes the main ports of the Primorsky region: Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Vostochny, Kozmino, Slavyanka, Zarubino and Posyet.


Bunker fuel grades traded by Binom-T include:

- Fuel oil (VLSFO) with sulphur content less than 0.5%, produced by Komsomolsk refinery, Achinsk refinery, Angarsk Petrochemical Company etc.

- Low-sulphur marine gasoil: MGO (with sulphur content below 0.5%) and

LSMGO (with sulphur content below 0.1%), produced by the Komsomolsk refinery and Khabarovsk refinery.


All petroleum products are subject to strict quality control and fully comply with Russian (GOST) and international (ISO) standards. They also meet IMO requirements for limiting sulphur content in marine fuels, adopted on 01.01.2020. The quality of the fuel is warranted by the manufacturer's certificates, as well as by third-party laboratories' tests performed right before the fuel is delivered to the customer's vessel.


Binom-T carries out bunkering operations with its own tanker fleet, consisting of four bunker tankers (" PATROKL", "KORF", "NIKA", "SLV-311"), thus eliminating any potential uncertainties over the quality of fuel supplied and the time of delivery.


Over the years, Binom-T has earned a reputation of a reliable bunker fuel supplier and continues to steadily increase its presence in the bunker market of the Russian Far East.

Fuel grades
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